Dr. Tim Beechnau
Tim Beechnau

Induction Year


Inductee Type

Gene Young Service Award


Times were when doctors with black bags full of stethoscopes, band aids and ointments, stalked the sidelines at high school football games.  Times were when they volunteered their services to help out the young athletes in their communities.  They performed team physicals, taped ankles, wrapped knees, and checked out bumps and bruises young football players would incur during practice and on the playing field.  There are few left now, replaced by athletic trainers in the growing area of sports medicine.  They include eight who have given at least 20 years of service on the sidelines.  The Gene Young Service Award honors these individuals for so selflessly giving their time and talents back to the schools in their communities.

The father-and-son duo of Dr. Louis Beechnau and Dr. Tim Beechnau at Ravenna kept Bulldogs going for more than 50 years.

High School

Ravenna High School
