Lyle Moran
Lyle Moran

Induction Year


Inductee Type

Gene Young Service Award


The late Lyle Moran devoted a lifetime to the encouragement and development of youth sports programs in the Muskegon area.  Although his contribution was felt throughout the county, the people of North Muskegon especially treasured his impact.  Much of the past sports traditions at North Muskegon High School were influenced by the hard work and dedication of Moran at the younger age levels of competitive sports.

It is fair to say that Lyle was the “Godfather” of youth sports programs in the Greater Muskegon area.  In the 1940’s he founded Little League football and in 1952 he co-founded the local Little League baseball.  Many area youngsters learned the fundamentals of their sports under the guidance of Lyle Moran. Not just an organizer, Moran was an expert coach who managed youth teams throughout his adult life.  Along with his dedication to promoting and teaching youth sports, he often contributed personal sums from his own modest income to help support the programs.

Another lesser-known contribution made by Lyle Moran to the area’s sports history was made through one of his hobbies – home movies.  With his own movie camera, he recorded numerous sports events from the distant past.  His surviving films offer a rare window for us to relive games and other sports activities of earlier decades.
After his death, the city of North Muskegon honored Lyle by naming the city’s Little League Field in his honor.

High School
